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9/21 ~ 10/27
由 HKDI 插畫設計高級文憑學生與StudioKT 誠摯邀請您踏入這個充滿創意和活力的世界。每一筆描繪都象徵著對未來的機會和成長充滿熱切期盼,透過點、線、面,他們的想像力得到了無限延展。歡迎您加入我們,一同踏上「觸動未來」的插畫之旅,共同見證青年藝術家們的成長與創造力。
Meet the Creators
麥景程 / Mak King Ching
Final Year Project : Cultural Monster
By fusing the typically grotesque monsters with Hong Kong's distinct culture, they become vibrant "cultural monsters" that guide a wider audience through eye-catching graphics about the city's unique features.
Final Year Project : Cultural Monster
By fusing the typically grotesque monsters with Hong Kong's distinct culture, they become vibrant "cultural monsters" that guide a wider audience through eye-catching graphics about the city's unique features.
孔紀愉 / Hung Kei Yu
畢業作品: 毽
作為一個踢毽運動員,繪師設計了踢毽主題的咖啡店“Invisible”,向年輕人宣 傳這個運動的趣味和休閒之處,打破過時或乏味的印象
Final Year Project : InVisible
As a shuttlecock player, the artist designed the shuttlecock-themed coffee shop "Invisible" to dispel the stereotype that this sport is dull or outdated and highlight its fun and leisure aspects to young people.
作為一個踢毽運動員,繪師設計了踢毽主題的咖啡店“Invisible”,向年輕人宣 傳這個運動的趣味和休閒之處,打破過時或乏味的印象
Final Year Project : InVisible
As a shuttlecock player, the artist designed the shuttlecock-themed coffee shop "Invisible" to dispel the stereotype that this sport is dull or outdated and highlight its fun and leisure aspects to young people.
王卓妍 / Wong Cheuk Yin
Final Year Project : GUGU
Addressing the prevalent problem of appearance anxiety among women in Hong Kong by using art toys as a medium, different designs of females with mushrooms on their heads express the idea that problematic thinking can only be resolved by being confident and loving oneself.
Final Year Project : GUGU
Addressing the prevalent problem of appearance anxiety among women in Hong Kong by using art toys as a medium, different designs of females with mushrooms on their heads express the idea that problematic thinking can only be resolved by being confident and loving oneself.
陳泳如 /CHEN Yongru
畢業作品: 撕破枷鎖
關於受到身材焦慮影響和與其鬥爭的一個男生的故事,“Shackle Breaking” 旨在打破社會對身材的偏見,讓大家擁有建立自我的勇氣
Final Year Project : Shackle- Breaking
A story about a boy who battles body anxiety in an effort to erase body image discrimination and inspire everyone to be bold enough to stand out as who they are.
關於受到身材焦慮影響和與其鬥爭的一個男生的故事,“Shackle Breaking” 旨在打破社會對身材的偏見,讓大家擁有建立自我的勇氣
Final Year Project : Shackle- Breaking
A story about a boy who battles body anxiety in an effort to erase body image discrimination and inspire everyone to be bold enough to stand out as who they are.
張沁翎 / Cheung Sum Ling
畢業作品: 尋找風的故事
Final Year Project : WIND
A little story about curiosity. Little Lily, the main character, made the decision to search for the origin of the wind after being inspired by fluttering leaves. It emphasises the sense of achievement that curiosity brings.
Final Year Project : WIND
A little story about curiosity. Little Lily, the main character, made the decision to search for the origin of the wind after being inspired by fluttering leaves. It emphasises the sense of achievement that curiosity brings.
陳惠敏 / Chen hui min
畢業作品: 舒甲心語
Final Year Project : Words of Soothing Nail Art
An illustrated book created from the viewpoint of a manicurist featuring protagonist Duo Duo, drawing inspiration from conversations with clients and narrating the significance of manicures in the lives of the individuals.
Final Year Project : Words of Soothing Nail Art
An illustrated book created from the viewpoint of a manicurist featuring protagonist Duo Duo, drawing inspiration from conversations with clients and narrating the significance of manicures in the lives of the individuals.
陳倩雯 / Chin Sin Man
畢業作品: 企·逃
Final Year Project : Penguin Escape
Acutely aware of the urgency of global warming, the artist applies irony to alert everyone of their effects on the planet, turning typically endearing penguins into threatening characters brandishing weapons and building up a tale of retaliation against humanity.
Final Year Project : Penguin Escape
Acutely aware of the urgency of global warming, the artist applies irony to alert everyone of their effects on the planet, turning typically endearing penguins into threatening characters brandishing weapons and building up a tale of retaliation against humanity.
鄧夢娟 / Tang Mung Kuen
Final Year Project : Cha chaan teng culture
Inspired by the distinct icon of Hong Kong – the Cha-chaan-teng, a combination of Chinese and Western cultures, the artist explores the nuance of life through the painter's eyes with warm tones and rich hidden colours, evoking the particular warmth and nostalgia of the people of Hong Kong.
Final Year Project : Cha chaan teng culture
Inspired by the distinct icon of Hong Kong – the Cha-chaan-teng, a combination of Chinese and Western cultures, the artist explores the nuance of life through the painter's eyes with warm tones and rich hidden colours, evoking the particular warmth and nostalgia of the people of Hong Kong.
蘇淦東 / So Kam Tung
畢業作品: 棋盤上嘅命運
棋盤上嘅命運」結合了塔羅牌元素和桌遊玩法,介紹塔羅牌除了占卜外的其 他玩法,用紙牌遊戲的形式帶出兩者的魅力
Final Year Project :The Fate's Gambit
"The Fate's Gambit" mixes Tarot card themes and board gameplay, introduces new ways to play Tarot cards other than divination, and highlights the two's appeal in the form of card games.
棋盤上嘅命運」結合了塔羅牌元素和桌遊玩法,介紹塔羅牌除了占卜外的其 他玩法,用紙牌遊戲的形式帶出兩者的魅力
Final Year Project :The Fate's Gambit
"The Fate's Gambit" mixes Tarot card themes and board gameplay, introduces new ways to play Tarot cards other than divination, and highlights the two's appeal in the form of card games.
吳詠梅 / Ng Wing Mui
畢業作品: 走進歲月的輪廓
被自小住在公屋的經歷影響,製作出了公屋為主題的立體書《走進歲月的輪 廓》,描繪出充滿人情味的各種公屋,引起人們和本地公屋的回憶和時光,並 傳承其歷史文化
Final Year Project : Into the Silhouette of Time
Drawing on the personal experience of growing up in public housing, the artist created a pop-up book titled "Into the Silhouette of Time" with a public housing theme. The book showcases the hospitable atmosphere of different estates, evoking nostalgic memories and passing down the culture and history.
被自小住在公屋的經歷影響,製作出了公屋為主題的立體書《走進歲月的輪 廓》,描繪出充滿人情味的各種公屋,引起人們和本地公屋的回憶和時光,並 傳承其歷史文化
Final Year Project : Into the Silhouette of Time
Drawing on the personal experience of growing up in public housing, the artist created a pop-up book titled "Into the Silhouette of Time" with a public housing theme. The book showcases the hospitable atmosphere of different estates, evoking nostalgic memories and passing down the culture and history.
符慧欣 /FU Wai Yan
畢業作品: 一念之間的命途
Final Year Project :FateNexus
Being aware of the local PUA trend, particularly with regard to emotional blackmailing in romantic relationships, the artist designed a book to help readers make decisions based on the information presented, learn about PUA techniques from the story and endings, and be cautious of PUA traps in real life.
Final Year Project :FateNexus
Being aware of the local PUA trend, particularly with regard to emotional blackmailing in romantic relationships, the artist designed a book to help readers make decisions based on the information presented, learn about PUA techniques from the story and endings, and be cautious of PUA traps in real life.
曾思婷/ Tsang Sze Ting
畢業作品: 我本完好
漫畫《黑羊》探討了社會中的單身歧視,以因為寂寞而隨意約會的女生故事為 例,道出盲從大眾的空虛,呼籲大家不跟隨大流,做最獨特的自己
Final Year Project : Being Whole
Addressing the prejudice that single people face in society, the artist urges everyone to be a unique version of themselves and reject the idea of mindlessly following the pack, using the story of girls who casually date out of loneliness as an example to highlight the hollowness of doing so.
漫畫《黑羊》探討了社會中的單身歧視,以因為寂寞而隨意約會的女生故事為 例,道出盲從大眾的空虛,呼籲大家不跟隨大流,做最獨特的自己
Final Year Project : Being Whole
Addressing the prejudice that single people face in society, the artist urges everyone to be a unique version of themselves and reject the idea of mindlessly following the pack, using the story of girls who casually date out of loneliness as an example to highlight the hollowness of doing so.
鄭佳琳 / CHENG Kai Lam
畢業作品: 心理保衛隊
《心理保衛隊》以青少年抑鬱症為題,探討了受到情緒困擾的生活難處和影響 ,並希望病人能得到他人理解及尊重
Final Year Project : Psychological protection team
The focus of "Psychological protection team" is adolescent depression. It delves into the challenges and effects of emotional distress in daily life, with the aim of empowering patients to be acknowledged and respected by others.
《心理保衛隊》以青少年抑鬱症為題,探討了受到情緒困擾的生活難處和影響 ,並希望病人能得到他人理解及尊重
Final Year Project : Psychological protection team
The focus of "Psychological protection team" is adolescent depression. It delves into the challenges and effects of emotional distress in daily life, with the aim of empowering patients to be acknowledged and respected by others.
馮錦風 /FUNG Kam Fung
畢業作品: What did buzzword say (UMQ)
Final Year Project : What did buzzword say (UMQ)
Using the slang of Hong Kong as the theme, a set of "slang cards" including frequently used terms was created to help people understand our local language and encourage the usage of slang in everyday situations.
Final Year Project : What did buzzword say (UMQ)
Using the slang of Hong Kong as the theme, a set of "slang cards" including frequently used terms was created to help people understand our local language and encourage the usage of slang in everyday situations.
胡水晶 /Hu Shuijing
畢業作品: 自言自癒
Final Year Project :Healing by Your Voice
Through the eyes of an introvert, the artist illustrates the habit and benefits of talking to oneself through blind cards with colloquial sayings to assist individuals with applying the idea in everyday situations.
Final Year Project :Healing by Your Voice
Through the eyes of an introvert, the artist illustrates the habit and benefits of talking to oneself through blind cards with colloquial sayings to assist individuals with applying the idea in everyday situations.
鄭家曦 / Cheng Ka Hei /
畢業作品: 多元奶茶
Final Year Project :Multi Milk·T
An illustrated booklet featuring unique milk teas from 13 different places, with milk tea elements added to the mascot to promote other kinds of milk tea besides Hong Kong-style milk tea
Final Year Project :Multi Milk·T
An illustrated booklet featuring unique milk teas from 13 different places, with milk tea elements added to the mascot to promote other kinds of milk tea besides Hong Kong-style milk tea
田思雨 /Tin Sze Yu
畢業作品: 九月一
Final Year Project : The First Day of School
Featuring the many distinctive local school uniforms worn on 1 September, the first day of school, the book helps those who have graduated reminisce about their favourite secondary school experiences.
Final Year Project : The First Day of School
Featuring the many distinctive local school uniforms worn on 1 September, the first day of school, the book helps those who have graduated reminisce about their favourite secondary school experiences.
盧安熙 / Lo On Hei
畢業作品: 萌鯊
通過可愛獨特的鯊魚形象插畫,向觀眾透露自身對鯊魚的熱愛和了解,同時 對鯊魚被濫殺的現況表達擔憂,希望能令大家更關注他們
Final Year Project : CUTE SHARK
Through adorable and creative shark-inspired illustrations, the artist conveys to the audience their passion and understanding of sharks and expresses concern about the current problem of shark slaughtering, hoping to raise public awareness of this species.
通過可愛獨特的鯊魚形象插畫,向觀眾透露自身對鯊魚的熱愛和了解,同時 對鯊魚被濫殺的現況表達擔憂,希望能令大家更關注他們
Final Year Project : CUTE SHARK
Through adorable and creative shark-inspired illustrations, the artist conveys to the audience their passion and understanding of sharks and expresses concern about the current problem of shark slaughtering, hoping to raise public awareness of this species.
羅盈盈 / Luo Yingying
Sherry Luo擅長漫畫、寫實及數位繪畫。她在「貓眼看香港」插畫比賽中獲得亞軍,以筆觸表達人物情感和自然魅力,讓觀眾深思其情感世界。
Sherry Luo excels in comics, realistic and digital painting. She won second place in the "Cat's Eye View of Hong Kong" illustration competition, using her brushstrokes to express human emotions and natural charm, encouraging viewers to ponder her emotional world.
Sherry Luo excels in comics, realistic and digital painting. She won second place in the "Cat's Eye View of Hong Kong" illustration competition, using her brushstrokes to express human emotions and natural charm, encouraging viewers to ponder her emotional world.
黎詠欣 / Lai Wing Yan
Erica Lai專注於可愛和簡約風格的插畫,尤其擅長擬人化動物,創作趣味插圖。她參加過KPOP及文創市集,獲得實際經驗並與觀眾互動,希望通過作品帶來輕鬆愉悅的情感共鳴。
Erica Lai focuses on cute and minimalist style illustrations, particularly excelling at anthropomorphic animals and creating amusing images. She has participated in K-pop and creative markets, gaining practical experience and interacting with audiences. She hopes to bring light-hearted and joyful emotional resonance through her work.
Erica Lai focuses on cute and minimalist style illustrations, particularly excelling at anthropomorphic animals and creating amusing images. She has participated in K-pop and creative markets, gaining practical experience and interacting with audiences. She hopes to bring light-hearted and joyful emotional resonance through her work.
吳璇晶 / Ng Shuen Ching
Aluma Ng專長於黑白寫實、角色設計及live2D動畫。她參加過多個文創展覽,喜歡以哲學和心理議題為題材,透過畫面對比講述故事,促使觀眾反思自我。
Aluma Ng specialises in black and white realism, character design and live2D animation. She has participated in various creative exhibitions and enjoys using philosophical and psychological themes as subject matter. Through visual contrasts, she tells stories that prompt viewers to reflect on themselves.
Aluma Ng specialises in black and white realism, character design and live2D animation. She has participated in various creative exhibitions and enjoys using philosophical and psychological themes as subject matter. Through visual contrasts, she tells stories that prompt viewers to reflect on themselves.
沈子琦 / Shum Tsz Kei
Finger Shum擅長寫實手繪、兒童插畫和數位繪畫。憑藉五年的兒童畫教學經驗,她的作品展現出敏銳的觀察力,並以幽默和超現實主義風格捕捉生活細節,讓觀者感受心靈共鳴。
譚詠升 / TAM Wing Sing
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Carol Tam 擅長於日漫風格插畫及數位插畫。專注於把跨時代及夢幻類型融入插畫中,讓觀眾能從作品中感受到逃離現實,充滿可能性的世界的希望及美好。
Carol Tam is adept in Japanese manga style illustrations and digital illustrations. She focuses on incorporating trans-era and fantasy elements into her illustrations, allowing viewers to feel hope and beauty in a world full of possibilities, escaping from reality through her works.
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Carol Tam 擅長於日漫風格插畫及數位插畫。專注於把跨時代及夢幻類型融入插畫中,讓觀眾能從作品中感受到逃離現實,充滿可能性的世界的希望及美好。
Carol Tam is adept in Japanese manga style illustrations and digital illustrations. She focuses on incorporating trans-era and fantasy elements into her illustrations, allowing viewers to feel hope and beauty in a world full of possibilities, escaping from reality through her works.
鄒思欣 /ZOU Sixin
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Bonnie Zou擅長漫畫、寫實及數位繪畫。她常常會在她的作品畫面中融入幾何圖形以及柔和的線條,並且喜歡以女性和蝴蝶做為創作題材,透過畫面,讓觀者感受女性獨特的美。
Bonnie Zou is proficient in comics, realistic and digital painting. She often incorporates geometric shapes and soft lines into her work, and likes to use women and butterflies as creative themes. Through her images, she allows viewers to feel the unique beauty of women.
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Bonnie Zou擅長漫畫、寫實及數位繪畫。她常常會在她的作品畫面中融入幾何圖形以及柔和的線條,並且喜歡以女性和蝴蝶做為創作題材,透過畫面,讓觀者感受女性獨特的美。
Bonnie Zou is proficient in comics, realistic and digital painting. She often incorporates geometric shapes and soft lines into her work, and likes to use women and butterflies as creative themes. Through her images, she allows viewers to feel the unique beauty of women.
羅珮嘉 /Lo Pui ka
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
陳心悦 / Chen Xin Yue
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Silva Chen擅長日系風格插畫、角色設計及數位插畫。專注於將各種故事融入角色設計和插畫中,讓觀眾能夠感受到作品背後的故事與情感,希望讓觀眾能夠有所共鳴並從中產生一些思考。
Silva Chen is well-versed in Japanese-style illustrations, character design and digital illustrations. She focuses on integrating various stories into character designs and illustrations, allowing viewers to feel the stories and emotions behind the works, hoping to resonate with the audience and inspire some reflection.
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Silva Chen擅長日系風格插畫、角色設計及數位插畫。專注於將各種故事融入角色設計和插畫中,讓觀眾能夠感受到作品背後的故事與情感,希望讓觀眾能夠有所共鳴並從中產生一些思考。
Silva Chen is well-versed in Japanese-style illustrations, character design and digital illustrations. She focuses on integrating various stories into character designs and illustrations, allowing viewers to feel the stories and emotions behind the works, hoping to resonate with the audience and inspire some reflection.
彭朗晞 / PANG Long Hei
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
趙垚婷 / CHIU Yiu Ting
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Emma Chiu擅長細緻的漫畫風格和寫實風格,也能在作品中融合這兩種風格。希望以奇幻的世界觀帶領觀眾進入她的故事世界中。
Emma Chiu excels in detailed manga style and realistic style, also able to blend these two styles in her work. She hopes to lead viewers into her story world through a fantastical worldview.
Student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration
Emma Chiu擅長細緻的漫畫風格和寫實風格,也能在作品中融合這兩種風格。希望以奇幻的世界觀帶領觀眾進入她的故事世界中。
Emma Chiu excels in detailed manga style and realistic style, also able to blend these two styles in her work. She hopes to lead viewers into her story world through a fantastical worldview.