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Fun Italian Weekends

Join us at StudioKT for the complimentary Buon Fine Settimana, a two-week Italian extravaganza curated by Federico and Betty, celebrating the rich elements of Italian daily life through their captivating symphony of art, friends and culture.


Federico, originally from Italy, relocated to Hong Kong in 2011. Enchanted by the city's vibrant life and warm culture, he expressed his passion for art through oil paintings, capturing the essence of the bustling streets, unique landscapes, and ever-changing skyline.


Betty, a Hong Kong local, discovered the real Italy through Federico, learning about the ‘right’ time to drink cappuccino and the authentic way of enjoying bread. In 2017, she started painting, changing her view of the world with colour and depth.


About Federico and Betty

Hear the heartwarming story of Federico and Betty, who came from different cultures but found common ground in their love for art and exploration in Hong Kong.

About their painting journey

Learn about the artistic journey of Betty and Frederico, who have been painting together for 6 and a half years, exploring colours, emotions, and different painting styles, ultimately finding joy and inspiration in the process.

About the event

Find out about Buon Fine Settimana, a two-week event for you to experience multi-faceted Italian culture through paintings, workshops and interactive activities – a journey showcasing the country's gestures, mosaic art, culinary delights, and a collection of memories, sensations, and images.

This free community event is an immersive, interactive experience with oil paintings and workshops held by Italian teachers, knowledgeable chefs and a coffee professor that will guide you through the delights of Italian living culture. Try your hand at making mosaics and carnival masks. Learn about traditional Italian culinary art, such as handmade pasta, oil, vinegar, and cheese selection. Discover the secrets of enjoying espresso and aperitivo, alongside phrases and hand gestures to transport you to the land of many things, complete with tips for travellers and even myths — register now!

  • Fun Italian Weekends: Italian Mythbusters  / 觀賞油畫,破解意大利食文化誤解的真相
    Fun Italian Weekends: Italian Mythbusters  / 觀賞油畫,破解意大利食文化誤解的真相
    2024年3月03日 下午5:00 – 下午6:00
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and discuss the myths about Italy. Our guests, Chef Fabio Mariella and Ms Ling Mariella, enchant us with stories about pasta and unveil the truth behind some of the common myths.
  • Fun Italian Weekends: Cà Vuoi – What Do You Want?  / 觀賞油畫,認識意大利人用手說話的意思
    Fun Italian Weekends: Cà Vuoi – What Do You Want?  / 觀賞油畫,認識意大利人用手說話的意思
    2024年3月03日 下午2:30 – 下午4:00
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and the reasons for Italians speaking with their hands. Our guest, Ms Clelia Marinucci, teacher from Dante Alighieri Society Hong Kong, and Federico demonstrate Italian communication style through hand gestures so that you too can learn.
  • Fun Italian Weekends: Travel in Italy Like a local  / 觀賞油畫,像當地人一樣遊意大利
    Fun Italian Weekends: Travel in Italy Like a local  / 觀賞油畫,像當地人一樣遊意大利
    2024年3月03日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings, and the dos and don’ts of travelling in Italy. Our guest, Ms Giulia Capasso, a teacher from Dante Alighieri Society Hong Kong, teaches some Italian words and phrases for your next visit to Italy. Buon viaggio – have a nice trip!
  • Fun Italian Weekends: Cheese Me Up  / 觀賞油畫,淺談芝士
    Fun Italian Weekends: Cheese Me Up  / 觀賞油畫,淺談芝士
    2024年3月02日 下午4:30 – 下午5:30
    2024年3月02日 下午4:30 – 下午5:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and discuss why not all Parmesan cheeses are Parmigiano Reggiano (sometimes called Parmesan) from Italy. Are they fake cheeses? Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights into cheese varieties from different regions and their roles in various Italian dish
  • Fun Italian Weekends: Oil & Vinegar  / 觀賞油畫,淺談油和醋
    Fun Italian Weekends: Oil & Vinegar  / 觀賞油畫,淺談油和醋
    2024年3月02日 下午2:30 – 下午3:30
    2024年3月02日 下午2:30 – 下午3:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and why Italians do not serve bread with oil and vinegar before a meal. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights about the two essential ingredients in Italian cuisine, their selection, and their roles in various dishes.
  • Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasciutta (Dive the pasta in) / 觀賞油畫,淺談點解湯意粉嚇怕意大利人
    Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasciutta (Dive the pasta in) / 觀賞油畫,淺談點解湯意粉嚇怕意大利人
    2024年3月02日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and experience of eating pasta in Hong Kong. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights into pasta and its selection process, guides you in making fresh pasta. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,及在香港吃意大利麵食的經歷。嘉賓「奄尖大廚」Margaret(傅季馨)將介紹意大利麵及其選擇過程,指導大家製作新鮮意大利麵。
  • Fun Italian Weekends: a Taste of la Milano da Bere (Milan to Drink) / 觀賞油畫,淺談米蘭「好飲得」
    Fun Italian Weekends: a Taste of la Milano da Bere (Milan to Drink) / 觀賞油畫,淺談米蘭「好飲得」
    2024年3月01日 下午7:30 – 下午9:00
    Federico and Betty share their paintings and discuss why there is only aperitivo but no afternoon tea in Italy. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, enlightens us on what to expect during aperitivo. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,探討為什麼意大利只有餐前開胃酒沒有下午茶,並與嘉賓「奄尖大廚」Margaret(傅季馨)淺談開胃酒。
  • Fun Italian Weekends:  Un Caffè  / 觀賞油畫,了解意大利咖啡
    Fun Italian Weekends:  Un Caffè  / 觀賞油畫,了解意大利咖啡
    2024年2月25日 下午2:30 – 下午3:30
    2024年2月25日 下午2:30 – 下午3:30
    What is a cup of coffee in Italy? Our guest, caffè professor Mr Fabrisio Aquè, enlightens us on the history, different types and cupping of espresso. Un caffè, grazie! 在意大利叫一杯咖啡,會是怎樣的體驗呢?我們的嘉賓咖啡教授 Fabrisio Aquè 先生會帶領大家品嚐濃縮咖啡並介紹其歷史和不同類型。
  • Fun Italian Weekends :  Carnival in Italy / 意大利嘉年華面具工作坊
    Fun Italian Weekends :  Carnival in Italy / 意大利嘉年華面具工作坊
    2024年2月25日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    2024年2月25日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings, explore the Italian carnival, and guide our guests in crafting their own masks. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,探索意大利嘉年華,並指導大家製作屬於自己的面具。
  • Fun Italian Weekends : Mosaic Workshop / 馬賽克工作坊
    Fun Italian Weekends : Mosaic Workshop / 馬賽克工作坊
    2024年2月24日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    2024年2月24日 上午11:00 – 下午12:30
    Federico and Betty share their paintings, explain the significance of mosaic in Italy’s heritage and help our guests create their very own one to bring home. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,解釋馬賽克在意大利歷史文化中的重要性,並教大家即場做一個帶回家。
  • Fun Italian Weekends Opening Ceremony / Fun Italian Weekends 展覽開幕禮
    Fun Italian Weekends Opening Ceremony / Fun Italian Weekends 展覽開幕禮
    2024年2月23日 下午7:00 – 下午8:30
    2024年2月23日 下午7:00 – 下午8:30
    Pennelli e Colori by Betty and Fede - Art Exhibition with a Touch of Italian Culture Betty和Fede, 意大利文化氣息的畫筆與顏色畫展 Guest : Margaret Fu 傅季馨 @ Picky Gourmet 奄尖廚房
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