展覽 : 童話奇幻之旅 Enchanted Storybook Escapade ( 5/24, 25)
在這個融合奇幻之美與治癒藝術的國度,誠邀您跟我們開展一段美感與情感的探索之旅。在這裡,想像與創造交織出一片迷人的風景,讓故事書中的異想世界與現實生活的反思交會。讓我們攜手喚醒生活中沉睡的魔法,一起步入心靈與藝術的共鳴之地。 A magical celebration of art, storytelling, and emotional exploration, this event series blends the charm of fantasy with the introspective depth of therapeutic art practices. Wander throu
2024年5月24日 下午2:00 – 下午5:00
StudioKT, Floor 11, EastCore, 398 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
參展插畫師:Art Alles, Evelyn Kourin, MsA, Zero Ling,三火,周索斓
A magical celebration of art, storytelling, and emotional exploration, this event series blends the charm of fantasy with the introspective depth of therapeutic art practices. Wander through the enchanting landscapes of imagination and creativity into a world where storybook whimsy meets real-world reflection to awaken the fantastical in the everyday.
Featured illustrators: Art Alles, Evelyn Kourin, MsA, Zero Ling, Threefire & Sherry Zhou