‘My Forbidden Room’: Nalok.Lok Illustrated Book Exhibition Opening / 奈樂樂繪本展 : 不想進入的房間 ( 開幕式)
Welcome to an immersive opening centred around the evocative works of Nalok.Lok, complemented by the heartfelt music sharing from Melody. 誠邀您參與我們沉浸式的開幕展,活動圍繞奈樂樂引人入勝的藝術創作,輔以Melody動人的音樂表演,一場視聽之旅正式上演。
2024年3月15日 下午7:30 – 下午9:00
StudioKT, Floor 11, 398 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Welcome to an immersive opening centred around the evocative works of Nalok.Lok, complemented by the heartfelt music sharing from Melody.
Beyond the sights and sounds, we introduce an innovative dimension: an empty room in the metaverse, where guests are invited to leave their sorrows and unhappiness behind, allowing for emotional release.
Join us for an evening where art becomes not just a form of expression, but a means of transformation and healing.
About the Creators : https://www.studiokt.com.hk/naloklok
‘My Forbidden Room’: Nalok.Lok
An introspective event, the captivating exhibition and workshops showcase Nalok.Lok's illustrated book, "My Forbidden Room", which serves as a gateway into the depths of imagination and emotion. Here, the darkly enchanting illustrations of Nalok.Lok, the therapeutic art of Cindy and the soul-stirring music of Melody Wu converge in a singular experience. It is a journey through the corridors of the human psyche, where you make personal discoveries through art, music, and therapy.