It's one where artistic expression and the grassroots incubation of new and even avant-garde artistic trends positively drives Hong Kong's social, cultural, and economic progress as an epic global city and urban icon of modern China.
Kwun Tong (KT), a gritty but addictively charming centrepiece of everyday Hong Kong life and history, is our inspiration: from modest, densely populated neighbourhoods to the steadily diminishing yet resiliently ever-present loud, messy industry, to a distinctly traditional local way of life where steaming diners accent the bubbling pot of almost every enterprising activity one could imagine.
A finance and professional district is blossoming here, adding another vibrant streak of jarring diversity to the area, all set against the asphyxiating but delightfully narrow, crowded one-way streets - arteries carrying things and life blood beyond the gridlocked cars, taxis, and trucks!
