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Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasciutta (Dive the pasta in) / 觀賞油畫,淺談點解湯意粉嚇怕意大利人
Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasciutta (Dive the pasta in) / 觀賞油畫,淺談點解湯意粉嚇怕意大利人

Sat, Mar 02



Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasciutta (Dive the pasta in) / 觀賞油畫,淺談點解湯意粉嚇怕意大利人

Federico and Betty share their paintings and experience of eating pasta in Hong Kong. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights into pasta and its selection process, guides you in making fresh pasta. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,及在香港吃意大利麵食的經歷。嘉賓「奄尖大廚」Margaret(傅季馨)將介紹意大利麵及其選擇過程,指導大家製作新鮮意大利麵。

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Time & Location

Mar 02, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

StudioKT, Floor 11, East Core, 398 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

About the event

Federico and Betty share their paintings and experience of eating pasta in Hong Kong. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights into pasta and its selection process, guides you in making fresh pasta.

Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,及在香港吃意大利麵食的經歷。嘉賓「奄尖大廚」Margaret(傅季馨)將介紹意大利麵及其選擇過程,指導大家製作新鮮意大利麵。

About Chef Margaret

Chef Margaret has been in the culinary industry for more than 20 years. After graduating from a culinary school in Canada, she returned to Hong Kong and worked in a five-star hotel. It was there that she started to learn from scratch, washing chickens. Seeking further knowledge and experience, she then decided to go to Italy alone to work as an apprentice in a renowned restaurant. It was during this time that she developed a deep appreciation for and respect towards the food culture, influenced by the locals.

Upon returning to Hong Kong, Chef Margaret brought the Italian rigor and respect for ingredient selection to the local food scene through teaching, hosting feasts, and producing packaged food. Her creativity, perseverance, and particularly sensitive touch with food have made her shine in the culinary world!  Chef Margaret IG

縱橫廚藝界20年有多,自加拿大廚藝學校畢業後回流香港進駐五星酒店,一切由洗雞開始從頭學習。隨後毅然隻身遠赴意大利當窮苦星級餐廳學徒,勤奮工作加上在當地人享受美食、尊重美食的薰陶下練就一身好武功。回港後Chef Margaret 透過教學、舉辦盛宴、包裝食品製作將意大利人對食材選擇的嚴謹及尊敬帶給香港的美食之友。她的創意、執著與對食物特別靈敏的觸角,令她在廚藝界大放異彩!Chef Margaret IG


  • Fun Italian Weekends: Pastasci

    Federico and Betty share their paintings and experience of eating pasta in Hong Kong. Our guest, Chef Margaret Fu, provides insights into pasta and its selection process, guides you in making fresh pasta. Federico 和 Betty分享他們的油畫,及在香港吃意大利麵食的經歷。嘉賓「奄尖大廚」Margaret(傅季馨)將介紹意大利麵及其選擇過程,指導大家製作新鮮意大利麵。

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